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Copper is associated with the Goddess Venus and the planet Venus and is an excellent...
Crazy lace agate is commonly referred to as the "laughter stone," or "happy lace." It's...
Dendritic Agate has a beautiful array of colors and patterns within each stone ranging from...
Desert Rose is the colloquial name given to rose-like formations of crystal clusters of gypsum...
Dumortierite is a stone of the mind and of confidence. It is a stone whose...
Recently discovered in Michigan, Yooperlite rocks are Syenite rocks (igneous) that are rich and fluorescent...
Emerald was mined in Egypt 4,000 years ago and is still prized today for its...
Epidote, is believed to have energies to aid you to have courage, to let go...
Fancy Jasper is also referred to as Rainbow Jasper or Multi Colored Jasper, it is...
Feathered Agate is a stunning gem that has a unique and exceptional presence. There is...
Fluorite is a mineral that comes in many colors with many wonderful properties. Fluorite may...
Fluorite is a mineral that comes in many colors with many wonderful properties. Fluorite may...
Fluorite is a mineral that comes in many colors with many wonderful properties. Fluorite may...
Fossilized Coral is said to be a gift from the stars that is used to...
A stone of success and tranquility. Its gliding vigor helps you to accept things in...
Garnet energy is resonant with the Third Eye, Heart and Root Chakra. It may also assist with...
Goldstone is one of the few synthetic stones used in energy work and magic. Its...
Grape Agate also known as Purple Chalcedony. This is a newer discovery and only found...
Green Aventurine is the stone of luck and is a powerful good luck charm while...
Green Calcite is a wonderful stone for healing and magic, where it is believed to...
Green Goldstone is a stone of prosperity and of drawing wealth in but also a...
Kyanite is among the few crystals that are known for never needing to be purified...
A protective stone and aids in grounding. Helps release of self- imposed limitation, while maintaining...
A protective stone and aids in grounding. Helps release of self- imposed limitation, while maintaining...
A protective stone and aids in grounding. Helps release of self- imposed limitation, while maintaining...
Calcite gemstones are believed to help you let go of the past, and move into...
White Howlite tumbled stone is a calming stone, decreases an overactive mind and can assist...
Hypersthene stones embody a useful energy that may help to boost psychic gifts, and may...
The deep blue color of this stone makes it great for accessing your Third Eye...
Infinite is a powerful stone used in healing the etheric body. Infinite’s vibrations cleanse the...
Known as “water sapphire,” or dichroite, “two- colored rock,” iolite is believed to have multiple...
Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It...