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Angel Aura Quartz Crystal is a high vibrational stone and it is a crystal of...
Black Tourmaline resonates with the Earth energy, making this a powerful grounding tool. An excellent...
Quartz is a master healer that will work on any condition, as well as amplifying...
Carnelian is a great cleansing stone that works with the Sacral and Root Chakra. It...
Celestite is a high vibrational stone that supports the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras,...
Recently discovered in Michigan, Yooperlite rocks are Syenite rocks (igneous) that are rich and fluorescent...
Fluorite is a mineral that comes in many colors with many wonderful properties. Fluorite may...
Grape Agate also known as Purple Chalcedony. This is a newer discovery and only found...
Green Goldstone is a stone of prosperity and of drawing wealth in but also a...
A protective stone and aids in grounding. Helps release of self- imposed limitation, while maintaining...
Calcite gemstones are believed to help you let go of the past, and move into...
A “stone of transition,” lepidolite assists in the release ad reorganization of old behavioral and...
A “stone of transition,” lepidolite assists in the release ad reorganization of old behavioral and...
Shamans have been known to use Lodolite to help one go deep within themselves and...
Moqui Marbles are mysterious sandstone balls covered in hematite (iron ore) and are commonly found...
This stone is named after the wizard Merlin because of the stone’s ability to attract...
Citrine brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life. Citrine is a stone of light,...
Ocean Jasper is known as a stone of protection that can used to stabilize your...
Pink Opal also known as the “stone of renewal”, fill your aura with peaceful energies,...
Rainbow Moonstone is a beautiful stone that embodies the feminine energy. May help with balance,...
Tiger’s eye is a popular stone for grounding. protection & energy shifting. Use it to...
Rose Quartz is the stone of love and compassion. Given to humans by Cupid the...
Many civilizations believed the ruby was the king of all gemstones and in some cases,...
Rhyolite enhances self-love, self-esteem, self-worth, it helps us to heal old emotional wounds with inner...
This stone has been known to reveal what needs to be released to stay balanced...
Ruby Zoisite is mined in India and is a magnificent stone with great beauty and...