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From the Dogma of... ME


The Rev. Tim Shaw is the author of Ghosts of Buffalo, Please Talk To Me: The True Story Of The C2D1 Haunting, Haunted Rochester, and co-author of Rev. Zombies Common Sense Look At Divination. In From the Dogma of... ME, the acclaimed radio host of The Black Cat Lounge brings you his wit and wisdom, as he gives his readers, joy, hope and laughter in some of the best thought provoking sayings outside of a Chinese fortune cookie.

Such quotations like "Instead of blaming others for what you can't do, perhaps you should look around and ask yourself what is it that you can do. Anyone can be a self-created victim, it takes a real person to set a goal and begin the journey of accomplishment." 

With humor and compassion, Tim shares his reflections on life with sayings, poetry, and his photography.

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